Saturday, January 27, 2007

My 100th Post!!

My absence from blogging really has to do with having someone to vent to in person and not taking it out on my computer. My boyfriend is in the middle of school at Rutgers and will be back in the middle of March. I have so much pent up anger towards things that I need to blog. I'm not good at venting over the phone to him. So here goes....

People smell. I don't know if it's me getting older and sense of smell getting keener or what but I am noticing that people reek. I sat by a guy on the bus this morning who smelled like a combination of cooked cabbage, coffee and mildew. GROSS!! I hate the smell of people after they ski, too. It's that smell of sweat, old deodorant and wet dog. GOD I HATE IT!!! And then there's those guys who where way too much aftershave. I could go on and on but I think I'm good for now.

One of my favorite owners just walked by the desk with one of the bitchy owners and asked if I needed anything. I smiled and said no thank you and as they walked away the bitch said "wow, you got her to smile, she's normally such a sourpuss". You know what, cunt, maybe I would smile more at you if you didn't f---ing complain about everything to me. F--- YOU!!! I'm sure the bitch will say something to my boss and I will get in trouble. Never fails....