Saturday, February 18, 2006

Thanks Neighbor!

For reasons beyond my control, I've been having to take public transportation to work lately. Our bus system here is great only I have to walk about a half a mile to the bus stop everytime I'm going to work. The other morning at 6:30AM, the wind was howling and we had just gotten the most snow in one night as we have for a long time. I started my trek and just as I got out of my driveway, one of my neighbors pulled over and asked if I wanted a ride to the bus stop. God bless people like that in desperate situations! BTW, thanks for the ride Ryan!

Another calamity with the whole bus venture happened today. I was boppin' along changing buses and I was crossing the street. I can't remember what song I had playing in my Walkman but as a snowplow went through the gate that has an electronic arm, I walked behind the snowplow. And then, "Bam", the arm came down a hit me in the side of the face. Luckily, it wasn't right on top of my head or it probably would have knocked me out. But as a result, I have a nice bruise right by my temple and on my cheek. Fun experience, this public transportation thing.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Valentine's Day...Who Needs It!?

So here I sit at work again. 6th day in a row. No biggie though, because I have no life. Posting on my blog is sometimes the highlight of my day. I am completely off work on Tuesday though, Valentine's day. I'm actually going to hang out with my friend Dan. He works at the Sharpshooter store in our building and he's one of the funniest guys I know. He's bisexual so we aren't going out as a serious date but I'm excited to do something with a guy on Valentine's day even if he will be checking out both guys and girls :)

The youngster actually asked me if I wanted to do something on Tuesday but when I reminded him it was Valentine's, he promptly climbed out of the hole he had dug and started to stammer. I let him off the hook and said I already had plans and that I hadn't expected to do anything with him anyways. Girls, be glad you have someone if you do. Guys, treat your women like queens, they deserve it!