Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hello blog...

So, no excuses why I haven't written in a while...I just haven't. So here goes...

I have come to the realization the employees at the liquor store I go to don't speak English. They repeat English. "Need a reciept? Need a bag? Have a good day!" I know this because I tried to have a conversation with one of them today and it made me feel like an idiot. The guy stared back at me, but I knew he couldn't understand me because of the look on his face. I tried *shrugging shoulders*...

We recently had the Vice President in town and staying in our building where I work. The Secret Service officially have a file on me. Well, at least they've done a background check, that is. We all thought it was gonna be a pain in the ass but all in all, it was painless. The SS were super nice and friendly and I almost want to write a letter to the President and let him know what a super job they did. I assume he already knows but I might write a letter anyway.

Our downstairs neighbors moved out. They were pretty good neighbors compared to the other ones we have. The wall sharing neighbor on the other side of the building have spawned the child of Satan. That kid cries and cries and then cries some more. Pretty ridiculous and annoying. The cop chic that shares out floor with us has her dad in town because she busted her knee. I swear her eyes are daggers when she looks at me and my dog. She has to know that's not all Baby's poop down there, right? I really hope whoever moves in downstairs is nice. I haven't ever really had good luck with neighbors.

My poodle needs a bath...

How I wish I wasn't so bored with life...

If I could erase memories...I might think about it...

This entry isn't very inspiring...

My favorite person of "Jersey Shore" is Snookie...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Things Happen For a Reason...and I'm Psychic

Deep down, I had a feeling it wouldn't work out. No, I'm not talking about my relationship. I'm talking about get a photographer for the wedding...that's in a month. I have procrastinated to the point of being stuck trying to get a non professional to shoot our wedding. I made plans on Saturday to meet the photographer tonight and he just cancelled. Damn! But you know, I had a strange feeling that was going to happen. Weird, but I was checking my phone and email all day because I knew it was gonna happen. And if our meeting is not a priority today, how can I be confident that our wedding day will be. Oh well, back to square one...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

F word

I have to say, I love Gordon Ramsay. I've met a few celebrities in my time; Tiger Woods, Melanie Griffith, Kyle Petty, Edwin McCain, Ken Griffey Jr., to name a few, but I would shit if I ever met Gordon. He is a god in the kitchen...and sexy as hell!! He's not the prick you see on Hell's Kitchen. He's a wonderful chef, a devoted husband and a super cool dad. My dream meeting with him would be to be able to cook dinner with him for a select few of my friends and soon to be husband. I would also love to go to a restaurant with him and critique their food and preparation. He is amazing and is someone whom I would go absolutely ga-ga over if he ever walked into my place of business. It could happen, because I work in a popular resort where we have a lot of food and wine events...it could happen :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another day, another dollar...

So my current job is not my career. For new readers, I have been a golf pro since I was 19. You can do the math, I'm over thinking about how old I am. Anyways, living in Colorado, we have 6 months of summer and 6 months of winter. Actually, it's about 2 months summer (June and July), 6 months of toss up weather (April, May, August, September, October and November, I've seen it snow in each of these months) 2 months of bitter cold (January and February) and 2 months of seemingly fluffy powder and interstate closures (December and March). Either way, 6 months of golf season altogether. So, during the "winter", us locals find a winter job. Most locals moved here for the winter to play in the snow and stay here for the summer, because all things considered...it's fabulous! Ok, I have gotten off track, where was I...Oh anyways, due to the financial condition of the golf club I had worked for for 4 years, my director of golf called me in February and asked me to come in for a meeting. Sweet, I thought, I'm gonna find out my starting dates. Turns out he called me in to let me know they were "opening up" our positions and interviewing other people >( ! HUH??? you ask?? His exact words were "we want to have the best people for the least amount of money". Go ahead a shake your head, scream "That's bullshit!", whatever your normal reaction would be....thanks! This guy had hired me and now he's asking me to RE-INTERVIEW FOR MY JOB??!! Needless to say, I didn't. Because you see, I still had my winter job, in which I made the same amount of money, worked less hours and it was available for the summer! I'm not an idiot...and let me tell you, my resignation letter was fun to write!

Soooooo, I said all that to say this, although I have a different job currently, I am still a golf professional. My current job is as a shop girl/flower processor/delivery person at a cute little flower shop in one of the upper class villages. My work hours are 10am to 6pm five days a week (love it!), my boss is fantastic, I've met alot of really cool floral designers and...I'm happy when I go to work! Go figure! I'll take this golf season off and see where I go from here...

What's interesting is that as I went back and read this post, this is not was not what I was going to write at all. I was gonna vent on how when I was hired for the flower shop job, I wasn't supposed to do deliveries and now that is one of the main things I do. But, turns out, I don't have much to bitch about...hmmm :)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

R.I.P MJ 1958-2009

As I sit weeping to John Mayer plucking "Human Nature" at Michael Jackson's memorial service, I cry because we have lost a unique genious. I remember my dad telling me, I can't remember if it was at the outset of "Thriller" or "Bad", but he told me I was witnessing history in the making. And through all the allegations, strife, rumors and character crumbling tabloids, deep down we all know that WE DID witness history. I spoke to my dad on the phone tonight and he made some sort of pedophilia reference and I was shocked! Here is the man that 20 years ago told me I was in the midst of someone I can only compare to the Beatles of his era and he's reciting horrible rhetoric about someone who was acquitted of ANY wrongdoings. He later apologized as I reminded him of these things. Thank God none of us are under the ever scrutinizing, disgustingly twisting eye of the media. I guarantee there are things in ALL OUR LIVES that if manipulated by the blood sucking media, would look terribly criminal and horrendously heinous. Let us all try to focus on the genius of one of, if not the greatest, entertainer of our generation. Michael Jackson will always be remembered, never forgotten or duplicated. He was a great humanitarian, musician, entertainer, dancer and lover of all.

by Jennifer Buynak

May you all love
Instead of hate
Care for those less
Hold their hand
Always remember
Everlasting childhood
Lasting hope

Just in time
Attributes of hope
Come and be joyful
Know we can change
So many with peace
Only seek
Never condemn

You will be greatly missed, Michael. You are on that cresent moon, smiling down....

Monday, July 06, 2009

Drive the speed limit, PULEASE!

I really don't know how I controlled my road rage when I lived in Orlando. My commutes used to be 5 times longer with a million more idiots on the roads. I try to take a deep breath now when a supposed illegal pulls out of Little Tijuana going 35mph in the posted 50mph. But deep breaths don't help! Not only do I have to swerve into another lane of traffic for the stupid bikers, now I have to drive at a snails pace behind a beat-up Toyota Tercel with 8 people in it. Go the speed limit douchebags!!! You won't stand out so much!

Here's some tips to driving the speed limit:

1) READ THE MPH SIGNS! Whatever they say, look at your speedometer and make it stay on that number!

2) When you are looking to pull out on the road, don't pull out in front of someone a car length away!

3) When you see a car in your rearview mirror and you can't see the grill of their car, speed up until you can see the road in the rearview mirror!

Alright, that's about all I can muster for today...

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Road bikers are Law breakers

Not a big fan of people who ride road bikes. Today I was sitting at a three-way stop and this bike came up across from me as I was about to turn, held out his hand and just went! WTF! Aren't you supposed to obey the road laws like everyone else?? You hog the roads, go 6mph if you're lucky and disobey every car law there is. And here in Colorado, cars have to give them three feet on every side or you get fined. Ridiculous!! Let me give you some advice two wheelers, use the bike paths if they are there, keep off the actual road and OBEY THE LAWS LIKE WE DO!!!

Enough with the rant....

I am overwhelmed with wedding planning....'nuff said...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

It's been awhile...but I'm back!

Holy Moly!!! It's been a really long time!! Who knows if I still have any followers but here goes...

So, I'm engaged!!! Believe it or not! In fact, I think I wrote a blog about him way back when...

July 6, 2006!!! I had to look it up. Wow, crazy how time flies but I'm so glad I documented it!! I really can't wrap my mind around actually blogging again. I'm so used to giving one sentence updates on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter *gasp*! I know, I know...I have succumb to the hypeness of instant gratification....it really IS only good for a minute. Be that as it may, my tougue feels free, we have a fantastic, black president, I have a super loyal little white fluff ball of a dog named Baby, the Giants won the Superbowl and I....I am happy....content really...with my life. I can breathe a satisfying sigh of relief....and wait for the other shoe...to...drop...Ciao for now!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Old Lady Perfume

I hate the smell of old ladies. I don't know what it is; mothballs, sicky sweet perfume, old hairspray for their nasty gray hair that unravels down past their ass. God, I don't want to get old. I always used to think 50 would be old but now I look at my parents and think they are probably some of the coolest 55 year olds around. I don't want to get wrinkly skin. I don't want to have long, gray, nasty hair. I don't want to start to say things are too loud or that I want to eat dinner before it gets dark.

It's funny to think that when I'm old (20 years from now), talking about rap groups is going to be like our parents talking about classic rock, iPods will be relics and texting will be so outdated. For now, I will settle for not having to breathe gross old lady perfume...PLEASE!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just put him to my voicemail....

This is a statement my boss loves to use when she doesn't want to talk to anyone during work. Really?? I'd rather take the phone call then return 10 phone messages anyday, but that's just me. Doesn't that just make more work for yourself?? Hmm...

I just got back the East coast from visiting my boyfriend. I also met his parents this weekend in Pennsylvania. I had a great time despite my worries before I went. His family is hilarious!! He has 6 brothers, 3 older and 3 younger. That makes for a big family dinner. His family is still in the same house since he was 2 so it was fun being there and knowing the history of his family.

I got lucky on my trip back and didn't get stuck in any bad weather even though I was stuck on I-70 to Denver for a hour on Thursday night going to the airport. Well, I'm about to get out of work so this was just a short note....

Sunday, January 28, 2007

OK, I Can Be Sweet

Well, the bitch that I blogged about yesterday came up to talk with me today.....and believe it or not, I was nice to her despite what she said behind my back. Kill them with kindness, I guess.

The bus sucks. I think what I hate the most is having to sit next to people. I can't stand it. Do people really have to sit right next to me almost on my lap? I really get so annoyed by that! Also, idiots who bring money on the bus and don't get it out until they need to put it in. Thanks to them, I missed my other bus up the hill today and was late for work. And then there is the bus driver who doesn't know how to use the brake so every five seconds you are jerked forward by bad braking. Come on douchebag bus driver, I learned how to brake smoothly in driver's ed in 10th grade! So all in all, I HATE THE BUS!! If I come into some money, I'm definitely getting another car.

*To Tim: You are the best boyfriend in the world. I love you so much and I can't wait until you get home!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My 100th Post!!

My absence from blogging really has to do with having someone to vent to in person and not taking it out on my computer. My boyfriend is in the middle of school at Rutgers and will be back in the middle of March. I have so much pent up anger towards things that I need to blog. I'm not good at venting over the phone to him. So here goes....

People smell. I don't know if it's me getting older and sense of smell getting keener or what but I am noticing that people reek. I sat by a guy on the bus this morning who smelled like a combination of cooked cabbage, coffee and mildew. GROSS!! I hate the smell of people after they ski, too. It's that smell of sweat, old deodorant and wet dog. GOD I HATE IT!!! And then there's those guys who where way too much aftershave. I could go on and on but I think I'm good for now.

One of my favorite owners just walked by the desk with one of the bitchy owners and asked if I needed anything. I smiled and said no thank you and as they walked away the bitch said "wow, you got her to smile, she's normally such a sourpuss". You know what, cunt, maybe I would smile more at you if you didn't f---ing complain about everything to me. F--- YOU!!! I'm sure the bitch will say something to my boss and I will get in trouble. Never fails....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nicole Richie vs. Karen Carpenter

For those of you who don't know who Karen Carpenter is, she is the one in the white dress on the right. She died in 1983 from anorexia. This picture was taken that year. We all know that Nicole Richie has been chunky. She's guzzled alcohol like a fiend and she's also be engaged to the meth smoking DJ AM. Why doesn't someone intervine!! I would love to be skinny, to get rid of my little tummy pooch that I have and get rock hard abs. But I never ever want to look like this......EVER!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fergie Could Be Kirstie Alley's Younger Sister

Watching the video "London Bridge" I couldn't figure out who Fergie reminded me of while she's strutting on top of the table in her British monogrammed booty shorts. Then it came to me...she looks like a skinny, skinny version of Kirstie Alley!! I think it's the hair and the eyes and part of her mouth I guess. Anyways, just an observation... (and once Blogger shpes up, maybe I will post comparison pictures....God BLOGGER IS ANNOYING!!!)

It's starting to get cold here in Colorado. And again I find myself with dwindling funds and the end of my summer profession. I start at the hotel in three weeks! WOW! I can't believe how fast the summer has flown by this year! My boyfriend is still awesome. He starts gearing up for a big month in October in his job and also for hockey season. I have a feeling that I will watch more hockey this winter than I ever have in my entire life. We have a few tickets to certain Colorado Avalanche games, the first one being October 8 against Vancouver. It should be fun! Well, I better get ready for work...