Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Just put him to my voicemail....

This is a statement my boss loves to use when she doesn't want to talk to anyone during work. Really?? I'd rather take the phone call then return 10 phone messages anyday, but that's just me. Doesn't that just make more work for yourself?? Hmm...

I just got back the East coast from visiting my boyfriend. I also met his parents this weekend in Pennsylvania. I had a great time despite my worries before I went. His family is hilarious!! He has 6 brothers, 3 older and 3 younger. That makes for a big family dinner. His family is still in the same house since he was 2 so it was fun being there and knowing the history of his family.

I got lucky on my trip back and didn't get stuck in any bad weather even though I was stuck on I-70 to Denver for a hour on Thursday night going to the airport. Well, I'm about to get out of work so this was just a short note....

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