Saturday, March 11, 2006

Thank God It's My Friday!

I'm so excited for a day off finally! It's been a busy week for the hotel and this next week will be slow before spring break hits. I really need a vacation though. I would love to be laying on a beach somewhere soaking in the sun. My friend John is going on a cruise at the end of March and I'm so jealous. My boss Julie is going to Jupiter, FL in April. I have no idea what I'm doing for mud season yet. I have about two weeks off starting the middle of April. I wish I could go somewhere fun.

Anyways, we are having a girls night out tomorrow night. Me, Julie, Sarah and my GM Tamara are going to go to a musical and having dinner and drinks. It should be a blast! We've been looking forward to it all week. Maybe I will have some fun pictures to post (even though my dad warns me about that). Other than that, I'm pretty excited about having two days off in a row! WOOHOO!

*To my long lost friend Shann: I heard a song that reminded me of you today and I wonder how you are. I miss you.

**To my mom and dad: Thanks for making me finish college. Too bad I not in sync with this picture.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Back to Being Friends

When I lived in Florida, all of my friends loved the Dave Matthews Band. I liked them too. I have quite a few of the cd's and used to listen to them all the time. But when I moved here to Colorado, everyone called DMB sellouts. Here in the mountains, we have what is called underground music. Many bands get their start in this area and we get to listen to them for the bargain price of a five dollar cover. Gov'ment Mule, Acoustic Semi, some really good Pink Floyd and Grateful Dead tribute bands and many others have got their start here.

Some other bands that are really popular are Phish, Widespread Panic, Leftover Salmon and The String Cheese Incident. When a festival will come through the valley or to a neighboring town like Telluride or Aspen, everybody skips work or takes a weekend trip and goes. Really cool atmosphere if you're into the whole mushroom and ecstacy trip. Me, not so much. I appreciate music for what it really is and don't need it chemically or herbally enhanced. Which brings me back to Dave Matthews. On Itunes, as you Mac users will know, there is a feature called Party Shuffle. What a great idea! But DMB ispired the title to this entry. "Say Goodbye" is probably one of my favorite songs from them and it just came on before I started writing tonight. I might just have to play it again.

*To my friend Bobby: Thanks for introducing me to Dave Matthews!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bus Etiquette

After about a month (yeah, mom and dad, it's been a month) of riding the bus, I've realized that there is a protocol and etiquette to taking public transportation. Listed below are a few of these observations and etiquette tips to fellow bus riders.

1) Always be early for the bus. It more than likely will be late but if you're late, it won't wait for you. Don't worry, I haven't found this out the hard way. I'm ALWAYS 5 minutes early.

2) Make sure you pull the stop request cord if you need to get off at the next stop. It helps the bus driver be efficient in stopping and helps the whole bus from coming to a jerking stop unexpectedly.

3) Don't talk on your cellphone on the bus. This is the most annoying thing ever! Just today, I couldn't turn my music up loud enough to drown out a woman talking to one of her guys friends who apparently has a dead end job. God, that was the most annoying, agonizing 5 minutes of my life. You should have seen the looks I was giving her that she was oblivious to.

4) Don't talk to the bus driver while he's driving. He's got important cargo, namely me, that he needs to guide the 15 ton vehicle you're riding in. He doesn't want to know that you just got a new job or whatever you think is important.

5) If you sit in the front of the bus, it's gonna be cold; sit in the back, you'll be sandwhiched in between smelly Mexicans. Not being prejudice at all, that's just the way it is. It's funny though, the bus is like a school bus, the boys sit in the back and the girls sit in the front, it never fails.

There they are, a few helpful tips for when you guys ever have to take public transportation. Just sit back, enjoy the lack of road rage, cruise to your music and love the ride. That's my outlook :)

*To my friend John: Sorry you got fired babe :( Everything happens for a reason!
**To my friend Mike D.: I miss you!
***To my roommate Kim: Have fun in the Dominican Republic! See you in two weeks!
****In memory of my friend Cliff who passed away this time last year: I love you and will never forget you!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Trip tp Wal-Mart with Julie

It's really sad when all I have to blog about is a trip to Wal-Mart. My boss and of course friend, Julie, needed to go to Wal-Mart so we went together. Much better for me than trudging home with groceries on the bus. I ended up spending more than I wanted because I'm trying to stock up so I don't have to go back for a while. We had a good time but I could have spent way more money than I did. But I stuck to my list and only impulse bought a couple of things.

Impulse buy #1: Orbitz Sweet Mint gum - this gum is awesome! It's not as strong as straight peppermint. I compare it to chocolate mint ice cream flavor minus the chocolate. I encourage everyone to try it.

Impulse buy #2: Movie Theater Butter popcorn - love this snack. I try not to eat popcorn a whole lot because I could eat it every night and then it takes away from it being special when you actually go to the movie theater. The light butter just doesn't cut it though. It's too dry!

Forgotten item - Parmesan cheese - this goes on the popcorn. It's an awesome treat but a very high priced item.

The only bad thing about having all the stuff I need grocery-wise in the house is that I nibble constantly at night. Yikes! I need to watch it or I might become a little fat piglet :O)

*the picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything but I've been in a retro-romantic mood so I like it!