Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Trip tp Wal-Mart with Julie

It's really sad when all I have to blog about is a trip to Wal-Mart. My boss and of course friend, Julie, needed to go to Wal-Mart so we went together. Much better for me than trudging home with groceries on the bus. I ended up spending more than I wanted because I'm trying to stock up so I don't have to go back for a while. We had a good time but I could have spent way more money than I did. But I stuck to my list and only impulse bought a couple of things.

Impulse buy #1: Orbitz Sweet Mint gum - this gum is awesome! It's not as strong as straight peppermint. I compare it to chocolate mint ice cream flavor minus the chocolate. I encourage everyone to try it.

Impulse buy #2: Movie Theater Butter popcorn - love this snack. I try not to eat popcorn a whole lot because I could eat it every night and then it takes away from it being special when you actually go to the movie theater. The light butter just doesn't cut it though. It's too dry!

Forgotten item - Parmesan cheese - this goes on the popcorn. It's an awesome treat but a very high priced item.

The only bad thing about having all the stuff I need grocery-wise in the house is that I nibble constantly at night. Yikes! I need to watch it or I might become a little fat piglet :O)

*the picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything but I've been in a retro-romantic mood so I like it!

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