Friday, January 27, 2006

On Vacation in FL

So I spent all day yesterday and early Friday morning taking the red eye to Orlando. My friend, NY Mike, flew me out here to hang out for a few days. The plane ride was alright but I really didn't sleep much. He got this villa for us at the Marriott. It's awesome!! But now its almost one AM and I can't sleep. Remember I'm on CO time and it's only 10:45pm at home. We had a few drinks this afternoon after we checked in, came back to the villa and now he's passed out and I'm trying to be quiet so I don't wake him up. The weather is great here. It's a little chilly because of the humidity but still comfortable. GOD, I have a headache. I think it's the combination of no sleep, half a bottle of wine, four beers and really no food to speak of. You think I would be able to sleep but no such luck. But it is nice to be off of work for a few days. Believe it or not, my dad is actually in Orlando this weekend too. His side of the family are all down here so I may try to catch up with them tomorrow. Anyway, that's all for now. I just popped some sleeping pills and a Vicodin for my headache...that probably wasn't the best idea...but I bet I will get some sleep now. Crap, I didn't even think about that.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

9 Things Men Need to Know About Women

1) Valet. It's hard to walk through parking lots in heels.

2) If you have the money to go to a strip club, you have the money to buy us flowers.

3) When we go to the bathroom together, we are talking about you less than you think.

4) ...and that's because we get to the most embarrassing (for YOU) details right away and get it over with.

5) We will tell you when it's time to pluck your eyebrows; and no man should touch them without a woman's say-so.

6) Even the staunchest feminist has flipped through a bridal magazine, at least once.

7) Saying a woman is hot is not the same as saying a woman is beautiful.

8) We don't want you to kill the bug because we are THAT scared, stupid. It's all about "coming to the rescue" and all that. Never pass up a chance to kill the bug.

9) We obsess about what you are thinking because we cannot believe you are thinking so little.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Traditional or Not

My boss was talking about her boyfriend the other day. She said they were about to break up because she's afraid that he wants more of a traditional girl. A girl that makes dinner for holidays, watches football on Thanksgiving and Super Bowl Sunday and wants to hang out with the family on Christmas. She's says she'd rather go out for sushi on Christmas, has no idea about any kind of sport and would rather snowshoe up the mountain on New Year's Eve (snowshoeing is big here in Colorado). Oh yeah, and she doesn't want kids. Well...neither do I. But, I love football, I love big family dinners and I am definitely into counting down the New Year at abig New Year's Eve party. I told Julie the kind of guy she wants to marry is not possible...because he's gonna be gay : ) So the question was: What do guys want from a girl? Not a girl that you are going to just date but a girl that you could settle down with. This conversation was a moot point for me anyway because I have absolutely no prospects and I've been told I run from commitment anyway. I love my guys friends but the thought of having to spend more time than I want with them stresses me out!