Saturday, March 11, 2006

Thank God It's My Friday!

I'm so excited for a day off finally! It's been a busy week for the hotel and this next week will be slow before spring break hits. I really need a vacation though. I would love to be laying on a beach somewhere soaking in the sun. My friend John is going on a cruise at the end of March and I'm so jealous. My boss Julie is going to Jupiter, FL in April. I have no idea what I'm doing for mud season yet. I have about two weeks off starting the middle of April. I wish I could go somewhere fun.

Anyways, we are having a girls night out tomorrow night. Me, Julie, Sarah and my GM Tamara are going to go to a musical and having dinner and drinks. It should be a blast! We've been looking forward to it all week. Maybe I will have some fun pictures to post (even though my dad warns me about that). Other than that, I'm pretty excited about having two days off in a row! WOOHOO!

*To my long lost friend Shann: I heard a song that reminded me of you today and I wonder how you are. I miss you.

**To my mom and dad: Thanks for making me finish college. Too bad I not in sync with this picture.

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