Sunday, January 28, 2007

OK, I Can Be Sweet

Well, the bitch that I blogged about yesterday came up to talk with me today.....and believe it or not, I was nice to her despite what she said behind my back. Kill them with kindness, I guess.

The bus sucks. I think what I hate the most is having to sit next to people. I can't stand it. Do people really have to sit right next to me almost on my lap? I really get so annoyed by that! Also, idiots who bring money on the bus and don't get it out until they need to put it in. Thanks to them, I missed my other bus up the hill today and was late for work. And then there is the bus driver who doesn't know how to use the brake so every five seconds you are jerked forward by bad braking. Come on douchebag bus driver, I learned how to brake smoothly in driver's ed in 10th grade! So all in all, I HATE THE BUS!! If I come into some money, I'm definitely getting another car.

*To Tim: You are the best boyfriend in the world. I love you so much and I can't wait until you get home!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Public transit just sucks! People getting that close together pretty much blows.