Saturday, February 18, 2006

Thanks Neighbor!

For reasons beyond my control, I've been having to take public transportation to work lately. Our bus system here is great only I have to walk about a half a mile to the bus stop everytime I'm going to work. The other morning at 6:30AM, the wind was howling and we had just gotten the most snow in one night as we have for a long time. I started my trek and just as I got out of my driveway, one of my neighbors pulled over and asked if I wanted a ride to the bus stop. God bless people like that in desperate situations! BTW, thanks for the ride Ryan!

Another calamity with the whole bus venture happened today. I was boppin' along changing buses and I was crossing the street. I can't remember what song I had playing in my Walkman but as a snowplow went through the gate that has an electronic arm, I walked behind the snowplow. And then, "Bam", the arm came down a hit me in the side of the face. Luckily, it wasn't right on top of my head or it probably would have knocked me out. But as a result, I have a nice bruise right by my temple and on my cheek. Fun experience, this public transportation thing.

1 comment:

Big Ben said...

I laughed. Public transportation is fun!