Saturday, February 25, 2006

My Own Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo is the skirt-chasing character who constantly searches for a woman willing to date him, but even when he seems to find one, something goes wrong. Johnny Bravo looks and sounds like Elvis Presley, except for having blonde hair and a Fonzie-ish appearance. He is incredibly narcissistic, and incredibly dim-witted.

Well, I have my own Johnny Bravo believe it or not but he only slightly resembles the above description. Apparently, I have chatted with this guy for going on 6 years. We are both golf pros and he is from NY. Until recently, we only chatted online and only at random times. Within the past two weeks we have exchanged phone numbers and have started talking to eachother on the phone. It's so awesome to have so much in common with someone. But, we still haven't met one another. I think I remember seeing a picture of him a long time ago but I think he might have been 19 or 20. He says people call him Johnny Bravo because of his blond hair and I would assume a little bit of the other part of the description is true going on just phone conversation. Anyways, I'm having a great time getting to know him and we'll see where it goes. I'm not getting my hopes up though. But at least for now, I'm happy to have my own cartoon character.

1 comment:

Big Ben said...

Let's hope he doesn't really look like the comic store owner in the Simpsons