Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"Trust me," said the Used Car Salesman

I want to preface this post by apologizing for not keeping up with my blog this last month. I'm at my regular summer job as a golf pro so my time is always spent at work.

So, I've determined that the only people I can really whole heartedly trust are my parents. They love me unconditionally and would never try to bamboozle me in anyway. But it's amazing to me who I sometimes put trust and faith in and then always get screwed. For instance, my roommate. She's great. But some of her friends, not so much. Take the guy who spent the night on the couch last night. I got up his morning and was getting ready for work. In between my shower and fixing my hair, (Ben , you'll get a kick out of this) he goes into my bathroom, which is the communal bathroom, and takes a GIGANTIC dump. GROSS!!!! Not only that, but my fan doesn't work in there so there was no way for the nose hair melting smell to get out of there! The only thing that kinda makes me smile on the inside is that I had just used the last of the toilet paper and the roll was empty. HEE HEE HEEE! Karma will always get you somehow! So now, my day can only get better, right?


Scott said...

Oh man, that is brutal. What a nice way to wake up.

How is the golf weather out there?


Big Ben said...

Nasty, I was hoping you were going to say he tried to get a look at your bits!

Jennifer said...

Well, I checked my towels and there are no unidentified "stripes", so I got that goin' for me!