I have come to the realization the employees at the liquor store I go to don't speak English. They repeat English. "Need a reciept? Need a bag? Have a good day!" I know this because I tried to have a conversation with one of them today and it made me feel like an idiot. The guy stared back at me, but I knew he couldn't understand me because of the look on his face. I tried *shrugging shoulders*...
We recently had the Vice President in town and staying in our building where I work. The Secret Service officially have a file on me. Well, at least they've done a background check, that is. We all thought it was gonna be a pain in the ass but all in all, it was painless. The SS were super nice and friendly and I almost want to write a letter to the President and let him know what a super job they did. I assume he already knows but I might write a letter anyway.
Our downstairs neighbors moved out. They were pretty good neighbors compared to the other ones we have. The wall sharing neighbor on the other side of the building have spawned the child of Satan. That kid cries and cries and then cries some more. Pretty ridiculous and annoying. The cop chic that shares out floor with us has her dad in town because she busted her knee. I swear her eyes are daggers when she looks at me and my dog. She has to know that's not all Baby's poop down there, right? I really hope whoever moves in downstairs is nice. I haven't ever really had good luck with neighbors.
My poodle needs a bath...
How I wish I wasn't so bored with life...
If I could erase memories...I might think about it...
This entry isn't very inspiring...
My favorite person of "Jersey Shore" is Snookie...