The length of a relationship I've had in the last three years is equivalent to the life span of a midge (you guys that fly fish will know what I'm talking about). Either way, it's really short. It doesn't matter if I meet the guy at a bar, at the golf course, at a concert or at the gym. The result is always the same, one week...MAX! That's actually longer than the lifespan of a midge but sometimes my realationships are shorter. Why? I have absolutely NO IDEA! I don't pressure guys to call me, I'm not a nagger. I'm fun, I'm cute, I don't have much competition in the valley...so what's the deal? Do I not give the green light for guys to hang with me for a while? Am I choosing guys from the wrong jerk pool? Probably all of the above. The only thing I know is that I have been told SOOOO much crap from guys about promises and plans and stuff we're gonna do and places we're gonna go and then....nothing ever happens. Sometimes, the guy turns into to Casper the ghost and disappears (BTW, how long's it been JD?[said with sarcasm]
). Sometimes, he's a quick, crafty ninja who stabs at my heart and all I'm left with is a wound from a Chinese thrown star. The wound is deep, but it doesn't hurt at first. Then, it starts to bleed and bleed and won't stop and then the pain comes with putting pressure on the wound. There's always a scar and it's never the only one. Why does it have to be so complicated?