Anyway, Smallville got me thinking about super powers. The age old question: What would you want as a super power? Very interesting topic to think about. Would you want speed? I would love to be able to maximize my sleep quotient by being able to get to work faster than the speed of light. X-ray vision? In the original Superman, the writers made it seem he could see under clothes. But the way Smallville portrays it is as an actual x-ray machine, to be able to see through walls, boxes etc. Either way, I’m not really interested. Super strength? Not really the best thing to have as a golf professional. I don’t need to hit the ball farther than Tiger Woods. So what would I want as a super power? Man, I’m not sure now that I think about it. Having a super power would have its upsides and downsides. Would I want a power that would make me money? Would I want to help people, heal the sick? I’m not sure; I just hope I never find my Kryptonite.