Friday, January 06, 2006

Tribute to my name and blog title

Sitting at work wishing I would have eaten some food before I took the Tylenol Cold and the Vicodin. Not because it hurts my tummy but I'm a little bit of a space cadet right now. So I guess Combos and almonds are going to have to do for dinner. Kinda fun to listen to ambient, trip-hop music in this state though : )

As I hope most of you have figured out, that's not a head shot of me in my profile. That's the beautiful Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow from the now off-air show "Alias". I got into watching "Alias" in the last month or so thanks to Netflix. You really have to start from the very beginning of that show to understand anything in the shows to follow. Very complex plot and storyline. I think Garner is awesome. And she kicks so much ass in the show. Why she is with goofball chubbo Ben Affleck, I'll never know. And Michael Vartan really f---ed up in the relationship department with her, too. Despite those down notes, she's my hero and eventual body double. Wow, is she ripped in these photos. Only a year more to go of 200 cruches a night!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Criss Angel...what a' hot guy!

So we had blue skies today in the Vail Valley. Absolutely gorgeous! Cold, but beautiful! Another boring day at work though. Not very many people in house at my hotel and I don't get paid until tomorrow so I can't shop on line. I just window shop but it's nice to know you have money in your account if you actually want to buy something : )

I was watching bad late night TV last night and ran across one of my favorite A&E shows, MindFreak. This is a show about a guy named Criss Angel who travels the US freaking people out with street magic. One, magic is a lie. We all would love to believe that someone actually sold their soul in trade for the powers to do things unimaginable. But in all truth, magic is crap. I love watching and can't help watching because Criss Angel is gorgeous (minus that lisp he has). Two, we are all so gullible. We want to believe it's true and this gorgeous Adonis would never lie to us to profit himself. Right?? WRONG! That belief along with the pretty package on A&E and the 1000's of dollars socked into tricks normal people can't afford works wonders on the mind. But, I encourage you to take the time, find the show on A&E (Wednesdays 10pm/9c) and take a peek. Girls, you won't be disappointed. It's the long hair that gets me!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Greg Kinnear, Starbucks, and stupid drivers!!

**First of all, I would like to stand corrected and state that from what I have researched, Greg Kinnear is NOT gay. Hopefully this rumor doesn't make it to Hollywood (not that it would matter). Sorry for the misinformation.

So I'm standing in line at the Starbucks by my house and when I get up to the counter, I am faced with a tip jar. Why is there a tip jar at Starbuck's? I could understand if it was a small locally owned coffee shop where they only had a few workers. But a chain store as big as Starbucks?? I'd be interested in knowing how much they make hourly as a wage. I would guess around this area (Vail) they make $10-$12 an hour and then plus tips. Must be nice.

Also, I was driving home last night and the roads are treacherous!! Alot of snow. I am following the car in front of me about a car length and a half and there is a minivan right on my ass. We get up to this crosswalk light about a half mile from my house and the minivan proceeds to pass me on the shoulder only to take up the space between the car in front of me and my car. Why was this necessary!!! So as any sane minded person with the latent road rage gene, I turn on my brights. The minivan slams on his brake, not once, not twice but three times. Wasn't he the one that cut me off?? To that A--hole in the gray minivan, here's the middle finger!!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Funny sayings that make my tummy hurt!!

So my friend Gretchen finally got into town. I love that chic. We sat a chatted last night at the Sandbar. I had a couple beers but apparently, she's had a bad case of the blow chunks and had to go to the emergency room right before she got here, so she wasn't drinking. But thank goodness she's getting better, good enough to hang at a bar anyways.

So we were sitting chatting about different stuff and almost falling off our bar stools laughing. First of all, we were talking about when I first met her a year ago and we were hanging out with this guy who she's kinda dating now. At that time we were all attempting to quit smoking. Yeah right. Anyways, Micah lit up and I was like, "How's quitting smokin' going for you?" And then he says, "Well, I'm chewing Nicorette gum while smoking, what do you think??" Oh my gosh, hilarious!

Then I told her a story about the roommate of the youngin' I'm kinda dating right now. We were telling stories about first dates and Ken, Greg (the youngin)'s roommate said he was on a first date with this girl who asked Ken where he was from. Ken said he was from Rhode Island. She asked, "Where is that?" Ken proceeded to tell her it was somewhere south of Colorado Springs : ) The girl was like, "Cool, I've been down there before but I never been through Rhode Island." Needless to say, Ken didn't call her after that date. Wow!!

And finally, Gretchen and I chatted privately in the bathroom about the baby that I'm dating. She's like, "Jen, I like him. He's cute and really nice." I was like, "Gretl, guess how old he is? He'll be 23 in 3 days," I said. Gretl exclaims, "He's brand new!!" To which I doubled over laughing. "He's not tainted!" To which she did her best she did her best Mr. Burn's impression, "Excellent!" I love you, Gretl!!!

Overall, my NYE sucked. Too many things to explain why it sucked, it just did. I'm so glad it's 2006 and I can start off with what I feels is a clean slate. Happy New Year everybody!!