So I'm standing in line at the Starbucks by my house and when I get up to the counter, I am faced with a tip jar. Why is there a tip jar at Starbuck's? I could understand if it was a small locally owned coffee shop where they only had a few workers. But a chain store as big as Starbucks?? I'd be interested in knowing how much they make hourly as a wage. I would guess around this area (Vail) they make $10-$12 an hour and then plus tips. Must be nice.
Also, I was driving home last night and the roads are treacherous!! Alot of snow. I am following the car in front of me about a car length and a half and there is a minivan right on my ass. We get up to this crosswalk light about a half mile from my house and the minivan proceeds to pass me on the shoulder only to take up the space between the car in front of me and my car. Why was this necessary!!! So as any sane minded person with the latent road rage gene, I turn on my brights. The minivan slams on his brake, not once, not twice but three times. Wasn't he the one that cut me off?? To that A--hole in the gray minivan, here's the middle finger!!!
I have serious road rage, that is why I have to take the subway. i have got out of my car, open the guys door and yelled in his face at a red light. Let me tell you Patti was NOT happy about that!
Ben, I seriously considered getting out and kicking some ass :)
And V. thanks for the support girl! We can only hope that it's Tom Cruise driving the minivan!!
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