So yeah, two posts within a day of eachother? No way, right! Well, believe it! I have to vent. I have too many guy situations happening in my life right now. The crush that I went to Central City with, Johnny P (who I will see next week) and James from the Red Lion (who I just talked to on the phone who I will see Saturday). No fair world!!! Why are there three guys who with all of their qualities, make up the best guy a girl could ever have! What do I do? James, I liked him. But it's been so long since I've seen him, who knows at this point. My crush? Yeah, I work with him so good chance that won't work. And Johnny P (affectionately called 6 digits) he likes me for three reasons. Something about 14 year old girls, golf and booze (not necessarily in that order). So I'm stuck behind the 8 ball. What do I do?