Have you ever had something happen that you know you should be happy about but you just can't make yourself because you don't understand why things didn't work out for you in a similar situation? I'm really having to bite my tongue and take some deep breaths this week. The girl that was in the accident I blogged about a few weeks ago is doing much better. They've figured out that she is probably paralyzed but continues to have improvements in her movement where it looks like she may get better in the long run. Great news! I'm just thankful that I can walk (and now run) off the 10 pounds that I've gained in the last three months in bits and pieces.
But here's what I'm moaning about and probably being the worst and most selfish person on the planet. Practically the whole town of Vail is organizing a benefit for her with fundraising, silent auctions etc. The company that she works for is covering her with work man's comp and still there are endless donations piling in to the place that I work. It's really hard to be excited about anything associated with the event knowing that I had no insurance (yes, my fault, but still...) and I'm probably going to have to take some sort off drastic measure to take care of the six digit number that I'm facing. I know, I know, I'm a horrible person but I'm finding it extremely difficult to know how to deal with everything and be happy. But, OF COURSE, I am glad to be able to walk, glad I can still swing a golf club (which is my livelihood) and I am not wheelchair bound for an indefinite amount of time. Yes, I am thankful, I am thankful, life's not fair, I am thankful, I am thankful, I am thankful....