Friday, March 17, 2006

Aren't We All A Little Irish?

Well, I know that I'm 1/4 Irish thanks to my mom's mom. My other quarters are Czech, Greek and Welsh. Wow, talk about Heinz 57! I've definitely got the drinking down from my Irish side, the outgoing and loud side of my Greek side, the pretty, tan Mediterrainean skin from my Czech side and....everything else from the Welsh side, I guess.

So I'm stuck at work tonight on St. Patty's Day, which is fine. It's not super big here in Vail for some reason and it really is amatuer night anyways. One of the very first St. Patty's Days that I remember was when I was in college and we had a golf tournament in Mississippi. My coach ended up taking the team to stay in New Orleans for three days, which I may remember one of them. Yikes! So after that, nothing can really hold a candle to the Irish holiday anymore than chugging Hurricanes on Bourbon St. and watching the sunrise on Lake Ponchatrain. Hope everyone got lucky tonight!

*To my old golf coach Stephany: Thanks for holding my hair back!
**To Matthew McConaughey: Dump Penelope Cruz and find me!

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