Saturday, December 24, 2005

Again with the FOMO!!

Alright, my FOMO is pallipable!! It's Christmas Eve and still not a drop of alcohol for me this weekend. Which is ok I guess, I don't feel crappy like I normally would on a Saturday. Just thought I would pay homage to a few of my favorite blogs on Blogger. You guys keep me entertained while I sit here and pass the hours reading. Just add to the words in parentheses : )

1) Haiku Movie Reviews (haikumoviereviews)
-this blog is so fun, and Christopher and Brook even let me contribute!

2)Memoirs of an Oversized Canadien (benmyers29)
-this guy made a comment on my blog first but I love reading his blog now!

3) Cooper Lowenthal (cooperlowenthal)
-I ran across this blog by next blogging, super cool gay guy from Connecticut who probably doesn't know I exist anyways :)

4)Confessions of a Go Go Dancer (go-go-boy)
-lifestyle ala "Queer As Folk" and a really great writer with fun stories

5)I'm Not Too Obessesed (imnotobsessed)
-this chic is hilarious and has a lot of pictures on her blog (and we both hate Tom Cruise)

So these are my hotspots during my boring front desk life from 4pm to 12am at the Park Plaza. Read and enjoy!!
By the way I love "Happy Bunny" magnets! This picture is one of my recent purchases!!


Big Ben said...

Wow I made the list! Tom Cruise - No. Rain Man is my favourite movie of all time.

Dustin Hoffman is the man "Twisted, pulled and hurt my nick, 1988"

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer - thanks for the comment you left in my blog The Out Call, I really appreciate it (the next chapter should be out within a couple of days!)

Erik said...

I forgot to mention - I think Cooper Lowenthal is so hot, too ;)

Big Ben said...

neck. God I need to learn how to spell. Geez Pete, lay off the roids.