Laying in bed this morning sipping coffee, I watched one of my favorite movies on AMC: "When Harry Met Sally". This movie is fundamental to how men and women interact and what needs to happen to prevent divorce: be sure the one you marry is your best friend! Marriages today have over a 50% failure rate because of many things. One of these things is lack of things in common. Another is lack of acceptance and patience. I know that with my best guy friends, I accept them for who they are and don't try to change them because that's why I like them. Everyone is unique in their own way and to truly love someone, you must accept them. If you like oranges but go to the grocery store and all they have are apples, you don't buy an apple and try to change it into an orange once you get home. You just wait until the grocery store gets oranges back in stock. If you change your mind while at the store and decide apples are what you want, commit to your decision and don't covet the orange or just settle for the apple. We are who we are and if we can't accept that for truth, we'll never be able to accept anyone else.
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