2) If you have the money to go to a strip club, you have the money to buy us flowers.
3) When we go to the bathroom together, we are talking about you less than you think.
4) ...and that's because we get to the most embarrassing (for YOU) details right away and get it over with.
5) We will tell you when it's time to pluck your eyebrows; and no man should touch them without a woman's say-so.
6) Even the staunchest feminist has flipped through a bridal magazine, at least once.
7) Saying a woman is hot is not the same as saying a woman is beautiful.
8) We don't want you to kill the bug because we are THAT scared, stupid. It's all about "coming to the rescue" and all that. Never pass up a chance to kill the bug.
9) We obsess about what you are thinking because we cannot believe you are thinking so little.
1 comment:
Those are good points. Too bad they don't sell roses at the strip club.
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