First of all, I would like to say that they reason most of us girls that are around 30 years old are jaded about relationships and men in general (ok, maybe it's just me) is becuase of guys like Brad Pitt. One of the better looking guys who was easily snatched away from his equally as gorgeous wife, Jennifer Aniston, by another beautiful but younger woman, Angelina Jolie. That's right, I'm really not blaming Angelina because it does take two and she was not the one married, Brad was. Jennifer probably trusted him completely as he left to go film the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Jones" with Jolie. The last thing we girls would want to do is show an ounce of insecurity before a boyfriend or husband goes off on a trip with another hot chic. So I'm sure she didn't but she should have! Things do happen for a reason and I'm sure it's all for the best. Brad and Angelina won't be together very long, as most of us know. Why would you as Angelina stay with a guy who cheated on his wife with you?? Anyways, this is part of the reason why I am jaded. I don't base all my decisions and feelings on actors and movie stars but stuff like that happens in real life too and it's easier to compare with the beautiful people.
So, on to personal things in my life. I am going on vacation in about a week to Orlando for about four days. I was born there and lived there before I moved to Colorado. I have a bunch of friends that I have lost touch with down there because of distance etc. I just talked to one of my friends, Javier, who I haven't spoke to for a while but he makes more of an effort than I (thanks, Javi!). We caught up on gossip. I found out that a guy that I was kind of seeing down there is now married! He got married about a year after I left FL. He was a great guy and the girl that has him is a lucky chic. But, I can't wait to go to FL and lay by the pool. Hopefully, the weather is good!!
Slop rules.
It is only a matter of time before you meet the right guy.
I think it is just as bad to cheat on your wife as it is the one who cheats with a married man.
I'm going to Florida for Spring Training in March.
Hey Slop, I think I'm jaded because I've only been with guys like you :) And Ben, I agree about the whole cheating thing...all bad! So you play for the Blue Jay farm team?? Don't they have a training camp in Haines City? Maybe that's the Royals. Or maybe you're just going to watch?? My Braves maybe??
Going to watch! Jays Spring Training is in Dunedin.
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