This past week has been super hectic hence not posting in a few days. I've been babysitting for possibly the 3 cutest girls I've ever met in my life. The family is from Scarsdale and the girls are 9, 8 and 4. Their names are Danielle, Courtney and Emma. Even though my week has been busy, they definitely brighten up my day. They are very well behaved and are currently trying to set me up with their ski instructor! I tell you what, if I ever wanted to have kids (which is not on my life agenda as of right now) I'm pretty sure I would be an awesome mom. That "Mom" gene kicks in and I find myself doing things automatically that i had no idea i could do i.e. make mac and cheese and be able to split it up between three, let the 4 year old put my hair in pigtails, make sure they all brush their teeth and tuck them all into their beds. Anyways, these girls are such cuties, I'm gonna miss them!
My worst nightmare - 3 girls!
for some reason Ben i would think that be a dream of yours....my bad :)
Those 3 girls may be cute now, but they'll be hell on wheels when they get to be teenagers...fighting and stealing boyfriends from each other and wearing too much makeup and not enough clothing and giving their father premature grey hair and heart attacks...not to mention having to pay for 3 weddings...*shudder*
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