Thursday, February 09, 2006

Free Prose For Valentines Day

This is really not as desperate as it sounds. This is the way most girls feel about the guys that are super but the guys don't know that's how they feel. I entered this prose in our local paper here in Vail but I doubt I will win anything for it. Enjoy! And remember, it's not supposed to rhyme...

Can’t Live Without You
By Jennifer

I’ve denied it for too long
I try to ignore the feelings
My heart doesn’t want to admit

How can it be true?
Why does it feel so right?
Is my mind playing tricks?

We fit
It can’t be helped
It’s against the odds

My sprit needs to express
These thoughts of being whole
It’s a difficult task

I don’t work this way
But not having you
Makes me crazy

You’re my soul mate
You’re my best friend
You’re my partner in crime

We need each other
Complete on our own
Together we would soar

I love you deep down
I respect you
I trust you

Good times and bad
There for one another
I don’t want anyone else

You’re the one for me
My knight, my saint
I won’t break your heart


Big Ben said...

Good Poem, however it could use more Uterus

Jennifer said...

Thanks Ben!! Yeah, I know, you just can't get enough of sucking baby bearing organs...

Rebecca said...

Nice Jennifer... ;)
Good luck!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Rebecca!