So here I sit at work again. 6th day in a row. No biggie though, because I have no life. Posting on my blog is sometimes the highlight of my day. I am completely off work on Tuesday though, Valentine's day. I'm actually going to hang out with my friend Dan. He works at the Sharpshooter store in our building and he's one of the funniest guys I know. He's bisexual so we aren't going out as a serious date but I'm excited to do something with a guy on Valentine's day even if he will be checking out both guys and girls :)
The youngster actually asked me if I wanted to do something on Tuesday but when I reminded him it was Valentine's, he promptly climbed out of the hole he had dug and started to stammer. I let him off the hook and said I already had plans and that I hadn't expected to do anything with him anyways. Girls, be glad you have someone if you do. Guys, treat your women like queens, they deserve it!
Randomly happened across your blog and thought I'd let you know that I enjoyed reading your entries. I haven't updated mine since the summer, but your posts have made me realize how therapeudic writing can be.
As far as your love life is concerned, don't think about it. I know you didn't ask for my advice, but try concentrating on the positive aspects of being single rather than the negative and men will take notice. There is nothing sexier than a confident woman who is happy with her life, (ie, doesn't need a man to be completely satisfied.)
Also, just thought I'd mention that I learned to ski on the Breckenridge, Keystone, and Vail slopes during the holiday period of 2004 and that the locals were nothing but wonderful. One of the best vacations I've ever taken thanks to people like you.
- Daniel
Thanks for stopping by Dan! I do love being single but I guess the commercialized holiday of Valentine's always gets to me. It sucks if you are single on this day because it reminds you of it and then you have to watch all your coupled friends get gifts and flowers. But if I ever want to move, I can without thinking. If I ever want to sit at home in my PJ's, I can without having to explain myself. So yeah, I guess it's good to be single :)
Jenn, it seems like you get lots of dates - Mr. Right will come along or in the case of Dan Mr. Look right and then look Left.
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