One of my favorite times with DW was during Hurricane Floyd back in the mid-90's. There were seven of us holed up in a house with what must have been 20 cases of beer and couple bottles of Crown. We watched Tommy Boy and the guys stood out in the wind and rain like the studs they were. The next morning we were all hung over and went to eat at Shoney's for breakfast, the only thing opened. I can remember that like it was yesterday. Thank goodness Floyd didn't hit land or it might have been like Katrina! He's also one of the guys that loved great music like I do. We were into Dave Matthews Band and Creed back then. I'm sure I will have more to write about him later but that's all for now!
*To my friend DW: I can't believe how long it's been but I hope we hold on to what we got!
How do you know he doesn't have a blog there "not even letting people comment on your blog"?
Those were the good ole days...
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