Well, today was probably the most beautiful day I've seen in a long time of winter. It was 55 degrees here, full sun and lots of snow melt. My walk to the bus stop was fantastic! I have this CD that is jam packed with my favorite music and it lasts all the way to work. It's got a lot of Dave Matthews, John Mayer and Jack Johnson on it, great boppin' music. Did some hard core partying two nights ago which made me waste all of yesterday on the couch. BOO! I have sworn off the bar scene for another week at least. My roommate leaves for the Dominican Republic tonight and I have the whole condo to myself for two weeks. YEAH!! What I'm gonna do with that time I don't know but I will miss her.
So here is a question I have been pondering since my bus riding has started. Is it polite to try and talk to someone when they clearly are listening to music? I was on my way home the other night and an aquaintance saw me sitting on the bus and started to talk to me. I had to fumble with my headphones and pull one of them out of my ear just to be able to hear him. It was pretty annoying. If he saw that I was listening to music, you would think he would just wave and I could wave back and if I wanted to talk to him I could decide whether I wanted to start a conversation with him. But is that being rude?
If you know the person then there should be a conversation. You should take out the headphones.
Yes, he was being rude, but it's forgivable. Next time, you could pretend you're listening to some very important language lessons on CD- don't remove the headphones, and spout off a few foreign-sounding phrases like you're repeating the instructions. :D
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