I was laying in my bed waking up watching MTV and the video for Daniel Powter's "Had A Bad Day" came on. Not a huge fan of the song but I always watch the video. I think it's a great example of how just minutes in your life can make you miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Those same minutes can also save your life, prevent accidents and enable you to walk through doors that may not have been open a second before you got there (figuratively and literally). I've always been a huge supporter of the whole "right place, right time", "everything happens for a reason", and "if it's meant to happen, it will" mind set. Any time I've tried to force anything in my life, I have failed miserably or things have turned into being completely awkward. On the other hand, there are some things that have fallen into my lap. Take for instance my career. It's the most amazing thing to me. I miraculously got a college scholarhship without playing high school golf. I walked into the most amazing experience of getting all of my PGA training paid for by Disney (not to mention the best training experience a golf professional can have). When I got my first job in Vail, it was within three days (a week after I turned down a similar position at Kapalua, Hawaii). The position I have now fell into my lap 45 minutes after I emailed my resume to my now director of golf. I guess my point is again, timing is everything but you have to be in the position to recognize and accept the opportunities. And if you aren't in the right place at the right time, if it's meant to be, the opportunity will present itself again. Life's pretty easy, huh? Right....
I agree with the timing idea. One of my friends is fond of the saying, "I'd rather be lucky then good."
My current job is also a domino effect of coincidences that led to me getting elevated into a position that I did not have to "work my way through the system" for. I was actually recruited into it from Vail Resort’s corporate office which was pretty cool.
But as for your comment about not forcing things, in my life I have found that false. I guess there is a difference between forcing things and giving yourself the opportunity for them to happen. I find that most people tell you "don't force it" advice mostly in dating situations. All I can say is that is all a pack of lies.
I decided I was tired of "forcing" it and going through short relationships, never finding the right person, and wondering where my life is going. So I quit looking for that "special someone". What I ended up with was that I did not even go on a date with a girl for about 3 years. I think my parents were starting to wonder if I had turned gay.
In the end I started asking every girl I knew to go to small events with me. A concert in Vail, a night at trivia, a trip snowboarding. That led to my last relationship that lasted six months and was a good time.
That relationship has ended but the fact remains I would not have even been able to start it if I had not put myself in to traffic to find it. So whoever tells you to just "not force it", you punch that person in the mouth and tell Mr. Cynical to have a tall glass of shut the hell up.
Dude, Vail or Kapalua? Such a tough life you live... hahaa.
I would like if you'd fall into my lap.
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