Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Clear Vision

As sit in front of the computer trying to adjust to my new glasses, I am reminded just how important clear vision is. I have what the optometrist calls astigmatism, which is vision that isn't as sharp as it could be. Clear vision is crucial in life. Different things can muddy up vision. Alcohol and drugs are a couple of these things. It's amazing to me that when you clear your mind from at least these things how clear your life path becomes. It feels like someone turned on the lights and now you can see all the crap that has been lying on your floor that you can now vacuum and tidy up. Your life may have become a mess and you'd never know without giving up your pride and opening up your eyes and putting on the glasses of sobriety. Some of us can only guess how our life is and don't want to know. Others have put the glasses on, couldn't stand the squalor and put took them right back off, quick. I don't try to pretend to understand where my life is going or comprehend why I've gone through the things I have but I know that facing life head on with clear vision and without blinders on is the only way to gain strength and grow.

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