So I went to the
G-Love and Special Sauce concert last night that was in Vail. It was pretty cool. There were so many people there and I feel that I knew about half of them. Being that Vail is such a small town, you run into people all the time that you know. It makes it hard to date because you are always going to someone who dated the guy your dating. It's kind of like a social petrie dish. I like the anonymity of big cities where if you dump a guy, you're not going to hear about him dating one of your friends later. But there is about 4 to 1 guys to girls here, so we do have our pick mostly. But we also have a saying, "The odds are good but the goods are odd". It holds pretty true. Another saying that the guys like to use is, "When you breakup, you don't lose your girlfriend, you lose your turn". Gross but mostly true also. I envy
Slopmaster's fabulous life in Hollywood where he can date as much as he wants and doesn't have to see the girls ever again if he doesn't want to. Lucky!
*To James from the Red Lion: Thanks for the ride home and...how fun was that last night?
One of my roomate's in Texas absoluted loved G-Love, he would tell me about that band till the cows came home. Luckily I live in 5th largest city in North America so you wouldn't think it would be a problem, but Patti and I went to a restaurant and a girl I dated was our waitress.
Yeah, sometimes stuff like that happens. I moved out here not knowing anyone and one of the guys I went to PGA school with (but lost touch with) and worked side by side with at Disney for four years ended up being right down the road. Now that kid and I have been friends for like 8 years. Crazy!
Cheers. I had a good with you.Thanks for scooping me up. Good times with our friend molly to eh'
Hey Jen, It was good seeing you again tonight, although through strange circumstances. I am happy that we are talking again. Petty shit is petty shit, I am glad you stepped up and put it behind us. Tonight was a bit awkward but I was not uncomfortable. James is good guy and much easier to deal with than Crunden. Thanks again Jen for mending our friendship. I hated it when I would see you out and do my best to avoid you. In closing, I am only visiting Saint Thomas, not living there. Bye for now.
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