Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy 2006!!! (and why am I always the last to know?)

Thursday, December 29, 2005
Am I wrong to laugh??

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Again with the FOMO!!

1) Haiku Movie Reviews (haikumoviereviews)
-this blog is so fun, and Christopher and Brook even let me contribute!
2)Memoirs of an Oversized Canadien (benmyers29)
-this guy made a comment on my blog first but I love reading his blog now!
3) Cooper Lowenthal (cooperlowenthal)
-I ran across this blog by next blogging, super cool gay guy from Connecticut who probably doesn't know I exist anyways :)
4)Confessions of a Go Go Dancer (go-go-boy)
-lifestyle ala "Queer As Folk" and a really great writer with fun stories
5)I'm Not Too Obessesed (imnotobsessed)
-this chic is hilarious and has a lot of pictures on her blog (and we both hate Tom Cruise)
So these are my hotspots during my boring front desk life from 4pm to 12am at the Park Plaza. Read and enjoy!!
By the way I love "Happy Bunny" magnets! This picture is one of my recent purchases!!
Friday, December 23, 2005

My old roommate Lisa came up with this acronym:
It's Friday night, the weekend of Christmas and I am stuck working 4pm - 12am the next three days. Again, why I will be doing shots on Dec. 26th. I was just really rude to my friend, Mike D., because he called and asked what I was doing. We were supposed to go see a Grateful Dead tribute band tonight at the Sand Bar but instead, I'm here trying to read people's mind at my job. What's the temperature outside? Why doesn't my wireless computer working??AARRGGHH!!! And I'm straving and the Asian restaurant across the way won't let me order any Pad Thai for take-out : ( Should I go out tonight after work?? And deal with all of the drunk people at Finnegan's?? Probably not. Merry F---ing Christmas!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I think he's cute, I can't help it!!!

*NY Mike for those of you who read regularly
Christmas Wish List
Things I want for Christmas but have to buy for myself:
1) New clothes & shoes
2) XM Radio (my SKY Delphi won't be here until January)
3) A new cellphone
Things I want for Christmas but will never get:
1) Widespread Panic tickets (to any show, anytime, I don't care)
2) An Ipod Nano
3) A puppy, since apparently a boyfriend is out of the question

Things I will actually get for Christmas:
1) About 10 assorted Christmas cards from various friends and family
2) Shots at the bar on December 26 with my friends
3) A friendly call from my car loan agency letting me know that my payment is late
1) New clothes & shoes
2) XM Radio (my SKY Delphi won't be here until January)
3) A new cellphone
Things I want for Christmas but will never get:
1) Widespread Panic tickets (to any show, anytime, I don't care)

2) An Ipod Nano
3) A puppy, since apparently a boyfriend is out of the question

Things I will actually get for Christmas:
1) About 10 assorted Christmas cards from various friends and family
2) Shots at the bar on December 26 with my friends
3) A friendly call from my car loan agency letting me know that my payment is late
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Katie Holmes has been brainwashed...shame on you Tom!

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Tribute to Johnny Depp

Saturday, December 17, 2005
A few of my favorite things...

So I just finished watching "Sound of Music" and I turned it on in the middle of this song. So below are a few of my favorite things:
1) Watching snow fall out of the night sky (looking up)
2) The smell of a wood burning stove on a cold night
3) The taste of salt water when I go to the beach
4) Snuggling down in a warm sleeping bag while camping
5) Watching shadows of fire bounce of trees around a campfire
6) Butter Rum LifeSavers
7) A good writing pen
8) Sleeping during a thunder storm
9) The smell of pine tree sap
10) Eggnog, pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream
Girls, listen up...he's just not that into you..

1) An excuse is a polite rejection. Men are not afraid of "ruining the friendship".
2) Don't get tricked into asking him out. If he likes you, he'll do the asking.
3) If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you he will.
4) "Hey, let's meet at so-and-so's house/any bar/ friend's house" is not a date. Even if you live in New York.
5) Men don't forget how much they like you. So put down the phone.
6) You are good enough to be asked out.
Feel lucky if the guy lets you know early on that they are not ready for a relationship for whatever reason (thanks, S.R., really, I'm actually kind of relieved!). It saves you from wasting time on him and prevents you from having to deal with heart break if you end up really liking the guy. There are replacements in the wings, girls, so don't sweat it. Next!!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Family is closer than you think

I can't believe it's almost Christmas time!! I think a lot of my friends up here would agree with me that we miss our families and wish we could be with them. Making a little extra money working on the holidays helps the angst of homesickness a little bit but nothing can take the place of having family to be with during this time.
Family is closer than you think
All around you is love and warmth
Miles away our loved ones might be
Isolated and lonely we may feel
Look around and you can find
Your own strand of light and hope
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Always believe what your dad tells ya...

I remember when I first started dating, my dad told me to watch out for a couple different types of guys: surfers and snowboarders. Surfers while I lived in FL and snowboarders since I've lived in Vail. My dad was a pretty good surfer in his day and not too bad now even in his 50's. I guess he knows what those guys are like becuase he used to be like them. He always told me, "Jen, they'll leave you in a heartbeat for good waves or good snow." But, I can't help likin' the guys who love to surf or ride. I love the look, a little punky, pretty laid back and great physiques for sure!! I'll learn my lesson one of these days, but until then you just gotta love the guys that have their ears pierced, awesome body bling and sick mohawks:)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
To the firefighter...why I'm a big dork!
Alright, this message is to the super cool fireman who comes in and keeps me company at my job. You know who you are : )
So I'm boppin' my head to "Talk Dirty to Me" by Poison; #1 reason I'm a dork, I love love love 80's hair band music. Next reason: using phrases like "super cool", "sweet" and "right on". Another reason: I know more about football than the average guy, seriously, you've heard me. This blog page qualifies as dorky too I think. Watching "Iron Chef" on the Food Channel when get home at night @ 1am. I think working at Disney World qualified as somewhat dorky, especially since I mention it in regular conversation so much. My friends give me hard time and say I start 90% of my sentences....(oh my gosh, I love L.A. Guns, again on the DMX)...with "When I used to work at Disney....". So, I think that's enough to legitimately qualify me as one of the dorkiest girls you might know. Happy 30th Birthday!!! (See, I told you you're going to be in my blog at some point).
So I'm boppin' my head to "Talk Dirty to Me" by Poison; #1 reason I'm a dork, I love love love 80's hair band music. Next reason: using phrases like "super cool", "sweet" and "right on". Another reason: I know more about football than the average guy, seriously, you've heard me. This blog page qualifies as dorky too I think. Watching "Iron Chef" on the Food Channel when get home at night @ 1am. I think working at Disney World qualified as somewhat dorky, especially since I mention it in regular conversation so much. My friends give me hard time and say I start 90% of my sentences....(oh my gosh, I love L.A. Guns, again on the DMX)...with "When I used to work at Disney....". So, I think that's enough to legitimately qualify me as one of the dorkiest girls you might know. Happy 30th Birthday!!! (See, I told you you're going to be in my blog at some point).
Gale Harold, I love you!!

Jim Morrison, Chris Farley and Robert Downey Jr.

Thursday, December 08, 2005
To have a guy like Harry...and oranges!

Laying in bed this morning sipping coffee, I watched one of my favorite movies on AMC: "When Harry Met Sally". This movie is fundamental to how men and women interact and what needs to happen to prevent divorce: be sure the one you marry is your best friend! Marriages today have over a 50% failure rate because of many things. One of these things is lack of things in common. Another is lack of acceptance and patience. I know that with my best guy friends, I accept them for who they are and don't try to change them because that's why I like them. Everyone is unique in their own way and to truly love someone, you must accept them. If you like oranges but go to the grocery store and all they have are apples, you don't buy an apple and try to change it into an orange once you get home. You just wait until the grocery store gets oranges back in stock. If you change your mind while at the store and decide apples are what you want, commit to your decision and don't covet the orange or just settle for the apple. We are who we are and if we can't accept that for truth, we'll never be able to accept anyone else.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Clear Vision
As sit in front of the computer trying to adjust to my new glasses, I am reminded just how important clear vision is. I have what the optometrist calls astigmatism, which is vision that isn't as sharp as it could be. Clear vision is crucial in life. Different things can muddy up vision. Alcohol and drugs are a couple of these things. It's amazing to me that when you clear your mind from at least these things how clear your life path becomes. It feels like someone turned on the lights and now you can see all the crap that has been lying on your floor that you can now vacuum and tidy up. Your life may have become a mess and you'd never know without giving up your pride and opening up your eyes and putting on the glasses of sobriety. Some of us can only guess how our life is and don't want to know. Others have put the glasses on, couldn't stand the squalor and put took them right back off, quick. I don't try to pretend to understand where my life is going or comprehend why I've gone through the things I have but I know that facing life head on with clear vision and without blinders on is the only way to gain strength and grow.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Beautiful, wonderful snow...2 feet to be exact!!
As I sit here at work, I can see the big, fat flakes gently falling to the ground from the latest snow system we've had here in Vail. It's so beautiful and yet so cold!! I'm so excited how good my little asian vehicle does though. Even without snow tires, my car climbs nearly 1,000 feet everyday to my job here in Beaver Creek. For those of you that are unfamiliar with where I live, here is a website that is all about my resort, www.beavercreek.snow.com . It's a great website where you are able to see how much snow we've gotten, different events going on at the resort and live feed cameras showing the mountain. It's World Cup week here this week so we have the likes of Bode Miller, Dahren Rahlves and Hermann Maier skiing our mountain faster than anyone ever will. I compare those guys to Tiger Woods, Phil Mickleson and Ernie Els in my world. I think the competition is televised sometime in January on ESPN or one of the other networks so keep your eyes peeled.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Lindsey Lohan and the rest of dumb hollywood girls...

So I'm watching a repeat of Jay Leno last night at about 3am which is only a couple hours after I get home from work and he had as guests Lindsey Lohan and Dane Cook. Leno's studio audience is filled with guys from all facets of our wonderful military: Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard. Apparently, Lindsey Lohan is making a film about Bobby Kennedy and she plays a part of woman who marrys men so they don't have to go into the Vietnam war. And swear to god, this is what she says, "It's for a good cause, right??" Audience: dead silent.
How ignorant can you be Lindsey?? I realize that the Vietnam war turned out to be very political and the most deadly war ever but these guys served our country. They died for what hopefully was going to be a good cause and so are our troops today. You wouldn't even die to save your Manolo's. So don't sit around expressing your 18 year old dumb self like you know what you're talking about. You could be living in a pile of old newspapers under a dictatorship that makes you cover your face and not speak unless spoken to. Be thankful, little spoiled Hollywood grrrls, that you have shoes to walk in, food to eat and a 30 million dollar roof over your head!!! Get a grip, live in reality and SHUT THE HELL UP!!!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Friends named Mike
I've gotten in the habit of calling a lot of my friends by their last names over the last few years. I think it all started when I lived in FL. One of my best guys friends, who I haven't actually spoke to in forever, is named Mike S. This friend is the best friend a gal could ever have. He would go out to the Orlando Alehouse with me just because I didn't want to go by myself, with full knowledge that I would probably be secure with my surroundings in about 15 minutes. On one of these occasions, I met one of the cutest Mike's I know: Mike W. He's also a PGA Class A golf professional from New York, so when I refer to him, I call him by his last name or just New York Mike (I will see you soon!!) Another Mike is Mike M. I met him through a guy named Kevin Y who used to play golf on the Nationwide Tour and Mike M. was his caddy. Now Mike M. is one of Orlando's finest fireman and I do mean FINE!! Last but definitely not least is my most recent addition to my Mike collage, Mike D. He's definitely been a big part of my life the last year and hopefully we can be pals for the rest of our lives.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
MTV in Vail???

Mission Statement of my Blog
Have you ever tried to get someone's attention over and over again by doing a number of different things and then finally do something that you are oblivious to and finally you've got their attention?! The purpose of this blog is not to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone upset. It's for me to be able to express my feelings about different stuff and people and guess what....there's a thing called the 1st amendment that I think this blog falls under. This blog will also let you guys know about my life and the different things going on in it. If you identify with anything or maybe you recognize a situation that sounds familiar, deal with it. Maybe I'll try not to use specific names but you know who you are and to ask me not to talk about MY LIFE on MY BLOG is heinous!!! Family stuff will be kept completely private, that's a no brainer. Friend situations are another story, so if I think you'll be offended, I'll use an alias for you. As for those who have already expressed concern, you can rest assured that I will use an alias for your name(s) in the future. And there is only one person and you know who you are...
I sent you guys emails...
I have recently sent a bunch of my aquaintances, friends and relatives this website address so I hope to get some feedback from you guys soon. So you guys who even care about me at all can log on and keep up with my random thoughts and life. I will try to post everyday, so WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!
My friend Gretchen
I love my friend Gretchen!! We do this thing when we text each other that is hilarious (well, to us it is) and keeps us laughing at life and eachother. Have you ever heard about the Pink Dot delivery company on the west coast? Apparently there is a company that delivers whatever you want in 30 minutes or less and they will get anything for
you. So we think of the three most random things you can think of and put them together. Like: Can I get a map of Bosnia, a Dixie cup full of Prell shampoo and a garden gnome?? Bosnia and garden gnome are ones we've used before but a couple of my favorites to reprise. Gretchen and I met at our favorite yet torn down bar called the Sundance, in the heart of local Vail. We met through an ex boyfriend named Chris, who I 'm sure will come up in later posts. All I know is that we are a couple of really cool chics and he is a very confused 39 year old guy. Love you Gretl!! I'm so glad we're friends!!!

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