Friday, January 20, 2006

Three Gorgeous Women

OK, here's an entry where I'm not whining about being single or god forbid another male bashing story. Here are three women that I think are outstanding. Hopefully this gets me back on the good side of the guys who read my blog.

First, someone I've already mentioned, Jennifer Garner. She's got a rockin' body, a beautiful smile and kicked ass in "Alias". Hey Michael Vartan, you really screwed up! :)

Second, Penelope Cruz. Normally, I can't stand the Latino women because they are perfect no matter what they do: long, dark hair, smooth, tan skin and that killer accent that guys love. But, Penelope takes the cake. Plus, she's with one America's hottest guys: Matthew McConaughey! Way to go, Penelope!!

Last, but certainly not least: Adrianne Curry. She ran away with "America's Next Top Model Season 1" and she shocked every girl by bagging Peter Brady. A midwest girl with an rock star attiutde, Adrianne reminds me a little of myself.

Well there you go boys...enjoy the eye candy :)


Big Ben said...

Where's your bikini pic?

Peter Brady is the man BTW.

Jennifer said...

Peter Brady is the man...and I wouldn't want to show these girls up by putting a pic of me with a bikini on ;)

Jennifer said...

Slop, my dad warned me about guys like you :) Yeah, thanks for using my blog for your personal messages :) and i assume that the end of your email is dot cOm...good Freudian slip though :)