So I couldn't get to sleep last night in my childhood room so I was watching Conan O'Brien. I think he has got to be the funniest guy on TV. He had Howie Mandel on his show as one of his guests. I don't know if any of you have "Deal or No Deal" but it's pretty much the equivalent of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for idiots. But, apparently it's saving the NBC network so Mandel is SO full of himself. Come on douchebag, you didn't think of the concept of picking a briefcase, did you? No! You didn't! It's your ridiculous antics and the hot chics that have made the show popular. As far as I'm concerned, I would never want to be on any game show. I always thought I would want to be on TPIR just to be able to spin the big wheel and the final showcase drama, but I've had seconds thoughts about that too. You have to cut the government in on your winnings and have to pay taxes on your prizes so God forbid you win the car! Wow, I got off the subject but my point is that Howie Mandel is most arrogant guys I've seen on TV in a while. Yuck...and I used to love "Bobby's World"!
On the flipside, I still was unable to fall asleep, so at 12:30am, the show with Carson Daly as a host comes on. (I can't even remember the title but I'm sure it has Late or Last in it.) This guy really is the biggest TOOL on TV. He makes the stupidest jokes, acts like he knows so much about music and all the while, his show is pretty much an adult TRL. This guy was so in he right place at the right time. I mean, you've got to be pretty stupid (or wasted off your ass) to even think about proposing to Tara Reid back in the day! I can just picture the proposal....Carson and Tara drunk off their asses walking out of a bar, making out in the car like high school kids. I'm sure that's Carson's style (and we all know Tara would have no idea where she was anyways!) All of that ranting to say that, well....I think I'm now dumber for watching both of these guys last night!
1 comment:
I would have to agree with you. I am sure that many a brain cell was killed watching Howie and Carson. Scary people.
Hope that your weekend is solid.
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