Ok, so
Big Ben made a comment on my last entry that I've seem to have "dated" alot of guys. Hmmm, what does that mean? At first, I was a little offended but then I started thinking, that's not so bad. At least I'm getting asked out and I'm not so shallow to give guys a chance even if they're not as hot as most of the boys that read my blog. I'm still not giving out my...what was it called Ben, slut ratio number? I think that's a number that can be misleading (yikes). Anyways, I qualify dating a guy as going to dinner, meeting for drinks (the second time you go out), going to lunch, seeing a movie, kissing goodnight etc. There's a lot more in that etc. that I'm not going into because my dad happens to read this blog on occasion and I would hate for him to get the wrong idea about his little princess! I guess what is discouraging is that I haven't had a long term relationship since "Tad"...really. And I really don't know if he was even a relationship, it was complicated because I was his boss and people couldn't know, so it was weird. (Insert innuendo comment about working
under your boss here.) I am kinda dating someone* right now that I met right before I left to visit my parents and now he's gone to New Orleans until sometime next week, so who knows. Here's our relationship, we've hung out about five times, doing various party/nightlife activities, gone to lunch, go out to bars and hung out at eachothers house's. Does that constitute a relationship? I have no idea, probably not. But he's a hottie! God, I'm such an idiot!
*James from the Red Lion that I met after the G-Love concert on April 7th.
Thanks T! We both know Ben is a typical pig male...but he did make me think...only for a sec :) Thanks for the encouragement, girl! And I would never indulge him...for Patti's sake :)
I am afraid, some guys (not naming names) may be dating your blog!!! Hence the weird comments.
By the by any guy would like to date someone into golf. Free access to the range, free golf rounds, free tips - whats not to like?
Yeah yrautca, I get a lot of that! I try not to tell guys what I do when I first meet them because I normally spend and hour listening to them brag on and on about how they hit they're driver when I KNOW I can kick their ass from the same tees! It sucks!
I never got the impression that you are dating a whole bunch. Glad that you are having fun with someone at the moment though.
I do not think there is a single thing wrong with dating....date a lot. Just do not date to fill a void in your life. Date to fulfill experiences and enjoy a little more. It gives the opportunity to meet people and learn a multitude of things. Just do not cheapen (not a word, shows what I know) your body a lower your standards. Value every ounce of your body and if you do that who the hell cares how many guys you have dated...just know that if you ever do get married, try and save some experiences for him. He may or not appreciate it, but it will be more exciting of a marriage if you have more firsts. Anyways, I could use free range fees. :)
I didn't mean it to be offensive. I just get the impression from my many months of reading your blog that you are shy and wouldn't have dated that many guys. Girls that date lots of guys are generally attractive and have good personalities (some are sluts). Based on your blog you are definetly not the latter.
So are u saying that u think I'm not attractive and I don't have a good personality? Or that I am not a slut? Believe me, I'm not that shy (until recently) But like I said, you wouldn't want to know my "promiscuous" number. And I didn't take offense at you Ben! I love that you read my blog and it gave me something to write about.
Hey, I have been playing for about 3 months now and hit a 46 on 9 holes! That makes me happy. I dont care that you could kick my ass. I am just happy I hit better than I have ever in my life. 2 Pars in one day! My 2 pars. Woohoo...anyways. Do you remember your first par?
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