Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Wish List

Things I want for Christmas but have to buy for myself:
1) New clothes & shoes
2) XM Radio (my SKY Delphi won't be here until January)
3) A new cellphone

Things I want for Christmas but will never get:
1) Widespread Panic tickets (to any show, anytime, I don't care)
2) An Ipod Nano
3) A puppy, since apparently a boyfriend is out of the question

Things I will actually get for Christmas:
1) About 10 assorted Christmas cards from various friends and family
2) Shots at the bar on December 26 with my friends
3) A friendly call from my car loan agency letting me know that my payment is late

1 comment:

Big Ben said...

I want a sirius radio, gotta have Stern. Ipod is too much work, why sit and download music when on satelite you have 120 stations commercial free. I don't think you need a boyfriend - more freedom. Well maybe you need the sex? I don't know.