Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Just one of those days...

I think I'm finally recovering from this vicious cold that I've had for a couple of days. My friend and boss, Julie, has a b-day party tomorrow so I'm laying low tonight. I went grocery shopping tonight. I stood in line at Wal-Mart for about a half an hour. Ridiculous!! Anyways, I kinda had plans with the young boy tonight. He called 3 times but I didn't return or answer any of his calls. Yeah, I know, I should have at least called but I hate turning people down so I flake out and avoid instead. Oh well, I'll call him tomorrow. This why I don't have a boyfriend!! I can't commit!!

I bought some of my favorite foods at the grocery store tonight: apples and cheese. They both go along great with popcorn!! My family used have this tradition that when there was a good movie on TV, we would make popcorn, apples and cheese. The different textures, different tastes and the overall yumminess of each food made it a perfect snack. Top it off with a large soda of your choice and it was heaven when I was between the ages of 7 & 23 :) Over the years though, my family and I has tightened up a bit, gotten healthy, and those cheesey, appley, popcorny nights have fallen to the wayside. I still revive the tradition on my own, in a smaller dose. Try it sometime!! Well, I'm in the middle of watching one of my "Alias" Netflix, so I gonna get back to it. Late :)

1 comment:

The Errant Cook said...

OMG, are you my cousin???

I ate EXACTLY the same combo of snacks at my Gram's house all the time...popcorn, red apple slices, and cheddar.
