Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mission Statement of my Blog

Have you ever tried to get someone's attention over and over again by doing a number of different things and then finally do something that you are oblivious to and finally you've got their attention?! The purpose of this blog is not to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone upset. It's for me to be able to express my feelings about different stuff and people and guess what....there's a thing called the 1st amendment that I think this blog falls under. This blog will also let you guys know about my life and the different things going on in it. If you identify with anything or maybe you recognize a situation that sounds familiar, deal with it. Maybe I'll try not to use specific names but you know who you are and to ask me not to talk about MY LIFE on MY BLOG is heinous!!! Family stuff will be kept completely private, that's a no brainer. Friend situations are another story, so if I think you'll be offended, I'll use an alias for you. As for those who have already expressed concern, you can rest assured that I will use an alias for your name(s) in the future. And there is only one person and you know who you are...

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